In progress:
Organic Automaton (OA)
Automatic Attribute Management System (AAMS)
The AAMS Add-On facilitates the combination of data layers with an AND- or OR-operator. For the simulation of land use scenarios, new data layers can be produced, which contain the information of two layers. This is a feature, which is used also in other GIS-systems for joining spatial data.
The add-on ANIMATION facilitates a three dimensional illustration of a region. During a virtual flight along a user defined route, the camera perspective can be configured individually. The add-on is still under development. Light and shadow effects, as well as surface texture will provide a more realistic perception of a (by land use change affected) landscape.
Biomass Module (BM)
The add-on Biomass Module focuses on modelling temporal and spatial dynamics of resource provision by forestry and agriculture. It aims at supporting the assessment of silvicultural and agricultural strategies which enhance biomass provision. The main aim is to bridge the gap between local land management decisions and regional planning. The functioning of the Biomass Module is based on linking production models (growth and yield) with the cellular automaton. Temporal trends in productivity and impact of land use changes on the provision of ecosystem services as core function of GISCAME can be assessed at regional scale.
Cellular Automaton (CA)
The CA was developed for the explorative investigation of land use change processes. In dependence from various driving factors, dynamics of landscape genesis can be backcasted or forecasted. With the help of a rule-set, the user can define the transition probabilities between land use types. These transition probabilities might be influenced by attributes, such as neighbouring cells or cell-specific properties (elevation above sea level, precipitation, temperature, soil etc.).
Landscape Structure Module (LSM)
Some ecosystem services (ES), which are provided to humans at the regional level, are strongly influenced by the form and configuration of land use types and landscape elements, such as streets. However, not all ES are influenced by spatial patterns. Especially ecological and aesthetical aspects can be characterized by analysing landscape structure or the distribution of land use types with the help of landscape metrics. In general, near-to-nature land use types can be positively assessed regarding their ecological and aesthetical effects.
Water Erosion Add-On (WE)
In the course of Climate Change, extreme weather events will increasingly influence land uses. For example, it is to be expected that the frequency of heavy rain events will increase in the next decades and hence, the water erosion on affected fields. The WE calculates and visualizes the amount of soil loss regarding various land use- and crop rotation- simulations.