REGKLAM - Regional climate change adaption programme
2009 –2013
GISCAME was applied in the sub-project „integrated Assessment“ in order to evaluate Climate Change adaptation strategies in forestry and agriculture at the regional scale. Targets were the development of an indicator-based matrix for ecosystem services assessment as well as the consideration of regional planning instruments regarding their suitability for Climate Change adaptation purposes. For the issues landscape structure, water erosion, and landscape change, particular add-ons were developed.
In the framework of REGKLAM -„Development and testing of an integrated Climate Change adaptation programme for the model region of Dresden“ – a consortium of stakeholders from politics, economy, administration, and science developed strategies to handle Climate Change effects..
Model region of Dresden, Saxony, Germany
GISCAME core sytem (Ökosystemdienstleistungs-Bewertung) Add-On Landscape Structure (e.g. habitat network, landscape fragmentation) Add-On AAMS (merging of attribute layers, such as priority areas for afforestation) Add-On Water Erosion (estimation of erosion risk) Add-On Cellular Automaton (explorative landscape change simulation) OSM4GISCAME (import of linear landscape elements, harmonization of data formats)
Apporach and Results
With the help of GISCAME, Climate Change adaptation options were simulated and evaluated. For a detailed set of land use types, an assessment matrix was developed, which is the basis for land use and land management change simulation, visualization, and evaluation. Above mentioned add-ons were programmed and applied for the development of simulations and also for refinement of the ecosystem services evaluation. In cooperation with a regional planning association GISACME was applied for various assessing Climate Change adaptation strategies. Afforestation scenarios were conducted (Frank et al. 2012, left Figure). Also agricultural adaptation measures were integrated in order to reduce water erosion (Frank et al. 2014, right Figure). Synergies and trade-off of the following ecosystem services were addressed using GISCAME: Mitigation of Climate Change effects, provision of bio-resources, ecological integrity, regional economy, landscape aesthetics, and human well-being. |

More detailed information can be found here. |