Frank, S., Fürst, C., Pietzsch, F., 2015. Cross-Sectoral Resource Management: How Forest Management Alternatives Affect the Provision of Biomass and Other Ecosystem Services. Forests 6, 533-560.
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Witt, A., Koschke, L., Makeschin, F., 2014. Making use of the ecosystem services concept in regional planning—trade-offs from reducing water erosion. Landscape Ecology 29, 1377-1391.
Koschke, L., Lorz, C., Fürst, C., Lehmann, T., Makeschin, F., 2014. Assessing hydrological and provisioning ecosystem services in a case study in Western Central Brazil. Ecological Processes C7 - 2 3, 1-15.
Koschke, L., Meulen, S.v.d., Frank, S., Schneidergrhuber, A., Kruse, M., Fürst, C., Neubert, E., Ohnesorge, B., Schröder, C., Müller, F., Bastian, O., 2014. Do you have a spare 5 minutes? - Stakeholder participation as a challenge in ecosystem services studies. landscape online 37, 1-25.
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., Witt, A., and Makeschin, F. 2013. Assessment of landscape aesthetics-Validation of a landscape metrics-based assessment by visual estimation of the scenic beauty. Ecological Indicators 32: 222-231.
Fürst, C., Helming, K., Lorz, C., Müller, F., and Verburg, P.H. 2013. Integrated land use and regional resource management - A cross-disciplinary dialogue on future perspectives for a sustainable development of regional resources. Journal of Environmental Management 127, Supplement: S1-S5.
Koschke, L., Fürst, C., Lorenz, M., Witt, A., Frank, S., and Makeschin, F. 2013. The integration of crop rotation and tillage practices in the assessment of ecosystem services provision at the regional scale. Ecological Indicators 32: 157-171.
Lorenz, M., Fürst, C., and Thiel, E. 2013. A methodological approach for deriving regional crop rotations as basis for the assessment of the impact of agricultural strategies using soil erosion as example. Journal of Environmental Management 127, Supplement: S37-S47.
Witt, A., Fürst, C., Frank, S., Koschke, L., and Makeschin, F. 2013. Regionalisation of Climate Change sensitive forest development types for potential afforestation areas. Journal of Environmental Management 127, Supplement: S48-S55.
Lorenz, M., Thiel, E., Fürst, C. (in rev.): Integration of agricultural practices into regional assessment-systems - combining regional crop sequences with agricultural management and soil protection techniques, Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier SI RegioResources 21.
Fürst, C., Frank, S., Witt, A., Koschke, L., Makeschin, F. (in rev.): Multi-criteria assessment of the effects of integrated land-use strategies on the provision of Ecosystem Services on regional scale, Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier, SI RegioResources 21.
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., Makeschin, F. (subm.): How to assess the impact of the landscape structure on the provision of cultural ecosystem services – example aesthetics, Ecological Indicators
Witt, A., Fürst, C., Makeschin, F. (in rev.): Regionalization of Climate Change sensitive forest ecosystem types for potential afforestation areas, Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier, SI RegioResources 21.
Koschke, L., Fürst, C., Frank, S., Makeschin, F (2012): A multi-criteria approach for an integrated land-cover-based assessment of ecosystem services provision for planning support. Ecological Indicators,
Fürst, C., Pietzsch, K., Frank, S., Witt, A., Koschke, L., Makeschin, F. (2012): How to better consider sectoral planning information in regional planning - example afforestation and conversion. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 2012, 1-29,
Koschke, L., Fürst, C., Lorenz, M., Witt, A., Frank, S., Makeschin, F. (2012): The application of crop rotation classes in GISCAME for managing the provision of ecosysten services in the context of landscape management, RegioResources 21 booklet of abstracts, p. 35.
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Pietzsch, K., Koschke, L., Witt, A., Makeschin, F. (2012): Visualizing effects of changing land cover composition and configuration on the landscapes potential to provide ecosystem services, RegioResources 21 booklet of abstracts, p. 30.
Fürst, C., Pietzsch, K., Frank, S., Koschke, L., Witt, A., Makeschin, F. (2012): Managing a sustainable ecosystem service provision in a regional context, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU 2012-469.
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., Makeschin, F. (2011): Towards the transfer of the ecosystem service concept to landscape planning using landscape metrics. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.04.027, Ecological Indicators
Fürst, C., Lorz, C., Makeschin, F. (2011): Integrating land management aspects into an assessment of the impact of land cover changes on Ecosystem Services, International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services Management. DOI:10.1080/21513732.2011.611119
Fürst, C., Witt, A., Frank, S., Pietzsch, K., Makeschin, F. (2011): Integration von Umweltinformationen in die landschaftsbezogene Planung mit dem Modell eines 2-D zellulären Semiautomaten mit GIS-Funktionalitäten, Freiburger Forstliche Forschung 88, p. 78-89.
Fürst, C., Lorz, C., Pietzsch, K., Makeschin, F. (2011): An approach how to improve the consideration of sectoral planning information in regional development planning, in: RegioResources 2011 book of abstracts, p. 17.
Lorz, C., Bakker, F., Fürst, C., Roig, H.G., Makeschin, F. (2011): Letsmap do Brasil – a web-based planning support tool for sediment management in river basis of Western Central Brazil, in: RegioResources 2011 book of abstracts, p. 116.
Koschke, L., Fürst, C., Frank, S., Makeschin, F. (2011): Using benefit transfer and expert-estimation for an integrated land cover based assessment of ecosystem services provision, in: RegioResources 2011 book of abstracts, p. 38.
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., Makeschin, F. (2011): A conceptual approach to better integrate the landscapes´s aesthetics into planning issues at landscape level, in: RegioResources 2011 book of abstracts, p. 43.
Fürst, C., Lorz, C., Pietzsch, K., Makeschin, F. (2011): Multi-criteria assessment of the effects of integrated land-use strategies on the provision of Ecosystem Services on regional scale, ESP Conference Wageningen book of abstracts Workshop 3, Use of ES in planning & management: concepts, tools and guidelines,
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., Makeschin, F. (2011): Standardized integration of landscape aesthetics into regional development planning – application in a case study, ESP Conference Wageningen book of abstracts Workshop 6, Case studies on the practical use of ES in planning, management and capacity building,
Fürst, C., Volk, M., Pietzsch, K., Makeschin, F. (2010): Pimp your landscape! A tool for qualitative evaluation of the effects of regional planning measures on ecosystem services, Environmental Management 46(6), p. 953-968.
Fürst, C., Vacik, H., Lorz, C., Potocic, N., Krajter, S., Vuletic, D., Makeschin, F. (in print): How to support forest management in a world of change? Results of some regional studies, Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1007/s00267-009-9360-2
Fürst, C., Pietzsch, K., Lorz, C., Makeschin, F. (2010): Integration of environmental processes into land-use management decisions, Process management, Intech, ISBN 978-953-307-085-8, p. 269-284
Fürst, C., König, H., Pietzsch, K., Ende, H.P., Makeschin, F. (2010): Pimp your landscape - a generic approach for integrating regional stakeholder needs into land use scenario design and sustainable management support, Ecology and Society 15(3): 34.
Fürst, C., Lorz, C., Pietzsch, K., Koschke, L., Frank, S., Makeschin, F. (2010): Pimp your landscape – a cellular automaton approach to estimate the effects of land use pattern changes on environmental services, Proceedings International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Lorz, C., Koschke, L., Abiy, M., Makeschin, F. (2010): Chances and limits of using landscape metrics within the interactive planning tool “Pimp Your Landscape”, Proceedings International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling
Koschke, L., Fürst, C., Lorz, C., Frank S., Makeschin, F. (2010): The development of a conceptual framework to assess multifunctional landscapes and the impact of land use changes on land use functions with “Pimp Your Landscape”, Proceedings International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling
Fürst, C., Pietzsch, K., Makeschin, F. (2010): Pimp your landscape - Visualisierung und Bewertung von landschaftsbezogenen Planungsmaßnahmen, Die Grüne Reihe, DVFF Sektion Forstliche Biometrie und Informatik, Tagungsband der 21. Tagung vom 21. - 22 September 2009, p. 1 - 15.
Fürst, C. Lorz, C., Pietzsch, K., Makeschin, F. (2010): The provision of environmental services under climate change - how to evaluate the role of forests on a landscape level?, In: The International Forestry Review 12 (5): p.33.
Fürst, C., Lorz, C., Pietzsch, K., Makeschin, F. (2010): Ökosystemdienstleistungen unter Klimawandel - ein zelulärer-Automat-basierter Ansatz zur Beurteilung des Beitrags von Wäldern in der Landschaft, Forstwissenschaften: Grundlage nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung, Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2010, 22. - 24.09.2010, Göttingen, Cuivillier Verlag Göttingen, p. 123
Lorz, C., Fürst, C., Pietzsch, K., Makeschin, F. (2010): Letsmap do Brasil - a planning support tool for sediment management in Brasília DF. - Proceedings, 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (accepted)
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., Pietzsch, K., Makeschin, F. (2010): Landschaftsbewertung zur Unterstützung regionaler Planung: Landschaftsstrukturmaße als Indikatoren ökologischer Intaktheit, in Korn, H., Schliep, R., Stadler, J. (eds): Biodiversität und Klima – Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland VII, BfN Skripten 282, p. 49-51.
Koschke, L., Fürst, C., Lorz, C., Frank, S., Makeschin, F. (2010): Using a multi-criteria approach to fit the evaluation basis of the modified 2-D cellular automaton Pimp your landscape, in: Azevedo, J.C., Feliciano, M., Castro, J., Pinto, M.A. (eds.): Proceedings IUFRO conference Forest Landscape and Global Change, New Frontiers in Management, Conservation and Restoration, p. 502 - 507.
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Lorz, C., Koschke, F., Makeschin, F. (2010): A regionally adaptable approach of landscape assessment using landscape metrics within the 2D cellular automaton “Pimp your landscape”, in: Azevedo, J.C., Feliciano, M., Castro, J., Pinto, M.A. (eds.): Proceedings IUFRO conference Forest Landscape and Global Change, New Frontiers in Management, Conservation and Restoration, p. 36 - 41.
Fürst, C., Nepveu, G., Pietzsch, K., Makeschin, F. (2009): Comment intégrer des considérations multicritères dans la gestion d'un territoire ? "Pimp your landscape" - un essai de planification interactive pour satisfaire les besoins des utilisateurs, Revue forestière française 1(2009), p. 21-36;
Fürst, C., Volk, M., Pietzsch, K. (in print): Pimp your landscape! - A generic approach to combine scientific knowledge and end-user perception in multi-criteria decisions on landscape level, Environmental Management
Fürst, C., Makeschin, F., Lorz, C., Potocic, N., Vuletic, D., Krajter, S., Seletkovic, I., Vacik, H., Matijasic, D., Breznikar, A., Zupanic, M., Simoncic, P., Verlic, A., Galic, Z., Podrazsky, V., Trestic, T., (2009): REFORMAN - Regional forest management support needs – comparative user requirements analysis with regional stakeholder groups in Balkan countries and Middle and Eastern European countries, in: Machačová, J., Rohsmann, K. (2009, eds.) SEE-ERA-NET’s Pilot Joint Call booklet, Scientific results of the SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call, 199-208.
Fürst, C., C. Davidsson, K. Pietzsch, M. Abiy, F. Makeschin, C. Lorz, and M. Volk (2008.):“Pimp your landscape” – interactive land use planning support tool. Transactions on the Built Environment (ISSN 1743-3509). Geoenvironment and Landscape Evolution III, p. 219-232.
Davidsson, C., Fürst, C., Pietzsch, K., Abiy, M., Makeschin, F. (2008): Entwicklung eines interaktives Unterstützungswerkzeugs für Landnutzungsmanagement- und -planung – ein Akteur-basierter Ansatz, Bodenschutzbrief 1/2008, LfULG, p. 10 – 11.
Davidsson, C., Fürst, C., König, H., Ende, H.-P., Pietzsch, K., Pietzsch, F., Abiy, M., Makeschin, F. (2008): Procedures for developing an interactive tool for supporting land-use management planning – a stakeholder-based approach; Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes, Book of Abstracts, p. 243. |